Sunday 18 May 2014

Scottish Independence and the 2015 General Election

A referendum on Scottish Independence will be held later this year, but Independence, if approved, will not take effect until 2016. Meanwhile there will be a General Election in 2015.

If Scotland elects members to the 2015 Parliament, the composition of the British Government may be determined by Scottish MPs who will leave as soon as Scotland becomes independent, and the British Government that has negotiated the terms of independence may as a result fall as soon as Independence takes effect, possibly to be replaced by another government that might want to repudiate some of the terms agreed by its predecessor.

Things could get nasty.

1 comment :

Gerard Mason said...

Just as long as they don't rekindle the Auld Alliance and agree to station French nukes just north of the border...

Speaking of nukes and provocative actions, I was reading an article by some American beltway type the other day, who was saying that Putin is clearly a narcissist.

It strikes me that a true narcissist is someone who stations nukes in Turkey and then threatens world war three when the Russians reply in kind. Step forward JFK, mad narcissist and Democratic President.