Monday 16 August 2010

The Unpleasantly Tribal Mr. Burnham

Mr. A Burnham, a lagging candidate for the Labour Leadership, has just denounced Mr. A. Milburn for agreeing to advise the Government on social mobility. His proffered reason seemed to be on the lines 'we are the Labour gang, so we don't talk to people in other gangs."

As the Labour party led the attack on the grammar schools which used to be one of the principal engines of social mobility, it is understandable that party members should be sensitive about social mobility, but I wish they could expiate their guilt less destructively.

1 comment :

Ged said...

Engines of social mobility? Hmm, I notice that you only include engines that move people *up* the scale. On the grounds that the impoverishment of the very rich makes all the rest of us, on average, a tiny bit higher class, I propose that the state should introduce, and subsidize, the kind of gambling dens that used to ruin the aristocracy in the 17th and 18th centuries.