Friday 2 September 2022

Multi-headed Sharks

Each morning I scan listings of television programmes to select escapist material to be saved for later watching. I recently noticed something about a double headed shark attack. A few days later there was a promise of a three headed shark attack, then a five headed shark.

2, 3, 5 are successive fibonacci numbers so I braced myself for an 8 headed shark, followed by a 13 headed shark. Would we ever get to the 1597 headed shark, or perhaps even the infinitely headed shark?. Alas, no. The progresion seems to have stopped at a six headed shark and six is not a fibonacci number. However let us not lose hope. Six is a perfect number. The next two perfect numbers are 28 and 496 so we may still hope for a 496 headed shark. Would it have 496 digestive tracts with outlets to match?

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