Friday 2 October 2015

A revealing Gesture

While watching a television report of the recent Labour Party conference I noticed that during the singing of The Red Flag one of the platform party - I suspect it was John Macdonald - gave a clenched fist salute, the Communist salute. Yet I haven't noticed any reference to that in the media. On the other hand there was a lot of excitement about an amateur film stolen from Buckingham Palace that showed the Queen giving a Fascist salute as a child.

The public gesture of an adult who hopes to become a minster is much more newsworthy than the private frolics of a child.

1 comment :

Gerard Mason said...

Quite a few in the Blair government seem to have been ex communists, it's much more respectable, at least on the hopelessly PC BBC, than being rightist. Anyone not to the left of Vladimir Lenin is now tagged as part of the extreme right by the MSM -- part of the war on clear language.