Sunday 8 May 2011

Googler Chrome appears not to be case sensitive

I recently wrote several linked web pages, with file names beginning with a capital.

When I put links in the pages, I absent mindedly spelt the file names entirely in lower case, yet when I tested the links with Chrome they worked.

That doesn't seem to be a very good idea!!!

1 comment :

Gerard Mason said...

I'm guessing your web server is running on windows. While it's standard practice for dns to allow you to capitalise *host names* in any way you wish, and it will return the single host that corresponds to all of them, whether a *page* corresponding to a *file* is returned in response to a particular request depends on the underlying file system. In this case, it's Windows' case insensitive filesystem that's likely to blame. Have you tried it in any other browsers and received a different result?